These are pressure ridges: the lava flowing from upper left to lower right has made waves -

This is a crack, caused by the laver cooling and shrinking after it had solidified.

Wider pressure ridges:

The unique thing about these is that there is an almost continuous record from about 50,000,000 yrs ago (the Clarno time) to a few thousand, all preserved in lava generated by repeated volcanic eruptions. So it's all here in one place...

A ranch-museum at John Day; this is a hay-baler and loader.

An Indian bow, from a small museum there. This is a compound bow: The wood, which is stronger in tension, is on the outside, and sinew, which is stronger in compression, on the inside. This makes the total bow able to be pulled harder without breaking. I always had heard thaat the Mongols invented this; never saw an Indian one before.

A replanting project of some kind:

A Wind farm. These windmills are really massive up close; a single blade requires a semi trailer to haul it. Some people don't like them; I think they're rather graceful (in any case, I think we ought to get used to them. Global warming and all that).

A place called the Devil's Garden. It was named by a minister. I suppose he'd be more likely to know---
View from the top of the Inferno Cone. Then, on. This was the world's first nuclear power plant, and our first and only Breeder Reactor. That is, while producing power it also generates more nuclear fuel. An economical idea. Unfortunately, we decided it was a bad idea for people to be able to produce bomb-making material while running power plants, so we stopped developing the idea.
Other countries, of course, do do it. Also, it turns out there's so much Uranium around that there's plenty for bomb-making and power plants too, without making more. A little piece of history, anyway.
Nearby there is a site of one of the Minuteman A missile sites. Didn't get to go in that. Cute sign on the wall, a la Domino's: "Guaranteed delivery in 30 minutes or less - or the next one is free."

Idaho's wooden Indian. Those from Groton, Connecticut will remember that an itinerant sculptor showed up in Groton a few years ago and carved and gave to the town a statue like this. His idea was to put up one in every state. Groton's, unfortunately, did not tolerate our weather very well and was put into storage.

Idaho tells you all about the geology. The sign on the left points out Bighorn Dolomite, from the Ordovician; the one on the right, Gros Ventre FM (?) from the Cambrian.

Prairie Dogs

In 1886, Laramie County opened the first free public librqry in the US (Benjamin Franklin's was members-only). They also were the first to ban the sale of unwrapped bread (1913), and to play football at night (1925).

Some jumps were cliffs; this one was a sinkhole about 100-200 yards across and about 50 ft deep. It's partially filled in, now; they say there are the bones of at least 15,000 buffalo down there. The site is being developed by some local people.
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